Friday, August 27, 2021

A Few Signs Your "old school forum" might be a fake

What are the signs that your "old school forum" is a fake and is not really old school? Here are several signs, if you forums has any of these you might be fake old school.

1. BtB dominates your discussion to the point that you have specific areas that are for BtB only discussion.
2. Your AD&D 1st Ed and your AD&D 2nd Ed forum areas react strongly to anyone who makes a post that does not support the orthodoxy preached at the forum and consider house rule discussion to be heresy.
3. You have a guy that is a global moderator, at two of the forums, make the claim that railroading was part of the game from day one. See my previous post here. Fact: railroading was NOT part of the original game. It came about after D&D was published and spread beyond the original audience.
3a. Your forum fails to condemn railroading and scripted play that players are forced to follow as the filth that these things are.
4. Your forum is woke and you persecute those who are not woke. You think that games have to cater to every perversion under the sun and that if they don't they are bad. You think that certain types of deviants can never, ever be criticized.  Most of us game to escape the bad things in the real world, not wallow in those bad things in the game.
5. Your forum has prime discussion areas that are hidden from the public or even minor general interest areas that are hidden from the public.
6. You think your forum and your group are old school, but at close examination you are found to be from a later school.
7. You describe your forum like this "The old stuff done with modern production values.
Then you link to this video

Somehow massive implants do not spell old school to me.

These are just a few, I may update this post.

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