Maybe we cut them some slack if the item is truly out of print, but new stuff currently for sale, stuff by small one man operations, "C'mon man!"
The Hidden area where this is done is called The Underdark and although I have access, I don't use it. I own hard copies of everything I want and need. Have I ever downloaded a pdf, yes and used it as a preview, if it was garbage I deleted it and if it was good, I went and bought it. There are people who have tens of thousands of pdfs they have pirated, more than you could read in a lifetime. Why?
BTW it used to be that access to The Underdark was passed from friend to friend and the password was "drow" which is funny because drow is about as new school as new school gets. Now the access is limited to a small group of "trusted reliable" people.
My kind of old school are honest, decent everyday people. They don't run around stealing from the little guy and the bulk of pdfs are from the little guys. Previewing is like browsing a book store and looking at the book, if you don't want to buy it you put it back on the shelf, if you want to use it in your game you buy it. So review the pdf you downloaded, if you don't want to pay for it after you have looked at it, delete it, if you are going to use it in your game, then go buy a copy. If it is out of print, then join the chorus of "there is not excuse for every game not being available as print on demand these days or at least for sale in pdf with permission to print."
I am really happy that wizards of the coast offers print on demand versions of the old TSR settings.
ReplyDeleteI could never have afford paying a collector's price for my dark sun "basic box".
That way I can get the good old stuff without having to pirate it...
Yes, it is great that they have done so, may that do the same with all of the other IP that they own, thousands of wargames, rpg games, board games, and etc.